Behind the Scenes

As soon as the objective and audience have been targeted and defined, and there has been a significant amount of research done, brainstorming sessions can commence for all the creative thoughts to flow out and get recorded by writing, sketching, or digitally crafted images.

Designers, especially motion designers must be conscious of the obstacles that often block the path of creativity and success. Some of the obstacles include the overuse of stock images, fonts, trends and effects, and the lack of ingenuity.

Designers should try to find ways to embrace the different paths to creative thinking since inspiration can be achieved in many unique ways, especially when a connection to the subject is established, research is conducted and other designers’ work is looked over.

Taking risks is a part of this business and should be liberating to distance away from safe and mainstream designs. Storyboards are cohesive successions of frames that help explain the concept’s storyline to the creative team or client. They show the necessary transitions and events that unfold over time.

Storyboards typically go through multiple revisions before they are finalized and presented as a complete comprehensive. Animatics can be time and cost-efficient in the sense that they help their clients pinpoint problems before they occur.

Their services can range from simple animated sketches to fully polished motion graphics in sequence order that link 2D and 3D work with hand-drawn or digital content.


The Moving Camera


The Flow of Time