Boxed Jewels

By: Nia Braccidiferro

Originally, I was scared to attempt this project. I had seen many impressive student examples around the Communications building, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to create something as complicated as theirs. As I began brainstorming my design, I knew I wanted to incorporate pastel gradients in the color scheme. I wasn’t very familiar with the shapes/objects offered in Illustrator, so I needed to experiment and explore the program. I had to ask my professor for help with organizing and creating the boxes before I began filling them. Once I completed that part, I moved onto filling each line with a specific color gradient. I started with red and made my way through the rainbow until I reached pink. After that, I added and adjusted shapes to fit into the boxes I made. I made circles, triangles, spirals, rectangle grids, polar grids, and stars. I also modified each one by changing the number of edges, corners, etc, to make them look new and different. Once I completed filling in the boxes, I copied and reflected the boxes horizontally and vertically to fill the art board and create a finished design. I am very proud of the design I created since I was unsure of my abilities at the beginning of this process.


Drawing a Story


Testing the Waters